Friday, August 19, 2011

Boehner, Bachmann dodge protests in Minnesota | Blog | Rebuild the Dream

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Boehner, Bachmann dodge protests in Minnesota | Blog | Rebuild the Dream

Boehner, Bachmann dodge protests in Minnesota

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who is also a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, both fled a golf fundraiser ahead of reports that a major rally for jobs creation would take place outside the country club. Boehner and Bachmann had been scheduled to headline a major $1,000 a plate fundraiser outside of a country club in Orono along with fellow House member Chip Cravaack, but local news reports warned of a major protest that would await them as they arrived.
Instead of appearing at the originally scheduled location, Boehner, Bachmann, Cravaack and other Minnesota Republicans hastily moved to a golf club in Wayzata. But the wily Republicans couldn’t escape the protestors, who still managed to catch wind of the move and arrived ahead of them. Boehner and Bachmann slunk in through a service entrance, however, avoiding the direct wrath of the rallygoers.
The protesters demanded that Congress stop paying so much attention to the wants of the wealthy and start helping the middle class. They said that we should stop sending our money abroad to continue fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq and bring that money home to invest in infrastructure and jobs here. And above all else, we shouldn’t be cutting Social Security to protect tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy. Over 300 people attended the late morning rally.

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